I have a degree in secondary education with a specialization in English. I taught in public schools (high school and middle) for a total of 6 years. Teaching was a great experience for me...I really did enjoy it. I can say that I was fulfilling the call that God placed on my life. Now, I'm fulfilling that calling in a different way. I don't know if I believe that God calls us to do just one thing for our whole lives. Now, I'm teaching my little Bella. Her mind is a sponge. She soaks up so much. She has an uncanny, photographic memory.
I also get to teach different classes for the Learning Parties for the Chi Alpha Diversity Project Internship. That is something that I really enjoy. It's my degree at work.
Another thing that my degree/experience allows me to do is to talk with students about their observations and student teaching experiences. I can encourage them as well as give a few ideas of what might work for them.
I may not be using my degree in the function that I originally planned to, but God is still allowing me to use all that I have learned and experienced. Honestly, if I could teach right now - my kids were in school and I was looking for a job - I don't think that I would. I would want to spend my time at Cafe Chi Alpha. I'd want to work full-time there furthering God's Kingdom here at UL. I'd want to work alongside Lee. That's my calling. We're in ministry together.
Life is full of changes and seasons...thus the title of my blog Haha!!! We can always use our experiences and life is always teaching us lessons.