Lee and I work with Chi Alpha Campus Ministries at the University of Louisiana Lafayette.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Fulfilling the Call of God...

I have a degree in secondary education with a specialization in English. I taught in public schools (high school and middle) for a total of 6 years. Teaching was a great experience for me...I really did enjoy it. I can say that I was fulfilling the call that God placed on my life. Now, I'm fulfilling that calling in a different way. I don't know if I believe that God calls us to do just one thing for our whole lives. Now, I'm teaching my little Bella. Her mind is a sponge. She soaks up so much. She has an uncanny, photographic memory.
I also get to teach different classes for the Learning Parties for the Chi Alpha Diversity Project Internship. That is something that I really enjoy. It's my degree at work.
Another thing that my degree/experience allows me to do is to talk with students about their observations and student teaching experiences. I can encourage them as well as give a few ideas of what might work for them.

I may not be using my degree in the function that I originally planned to, but God is still allowing me to use all that I have learned and experienced. Honestly, if I could teach right now - my kids were in school and I was looking for a job - I don't think that I would. I would want to spend my time at Cafe Chi Alpha. I'd want to work full-time there furthering God's Kingdom here at UL. I'd want to work alongside Lee. That's my calling. We're in ministry together.

1 comment:

  1. Life is full of changes and seasons...thus the title of my blog Haha!!! We can always use our experiences and life is always teaching us lessons.
