Lee and I work with Chi Alpha Campus Ministries at the University of Louisiana Lafayette.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Introductions Please

I finally figured it out. It's a two fold thing. Every time we go somewhere, Bella introduces herself by saying, "This is Bella (as she points to herself), and this is Brennan (as she points to him)..." Sometimes she goes straight to pointing out Brennan. That is a diversion tactic. If she doesn't want the attention on herself, she'll point out Brennan. She used to do this with her shoes by saying "Look, I have shoes." This was before Brennan entered the world.

The second reason she does this is because she is used to her daddy introducing us when we go to Cafe Chi Alpha, or Chi Alpha International, or to a church. If Lee is already at the cafe, he can be talking to someone when we get there, and she'll run up to him. He'll pick her up and then introduce us by saying, "This is my wife Bri, and this is Bella, and this is Brennan." She's heard that a lot because we're always meeting new people!!

I'm happy that she is such a friendly girl, especially towards kids. She's shy around adults still, but she loves to play with kids whenever she can. And, when around adults (yes, we do consider college students to be adults), she is ok with introducing herself and her brother.

It's very interesting watching them grow up as a part of Chi Alpha. This is how she is when she's 2...There's no telling how she'll be a year from now...Brennan too. I don't think he's going to be as shy as her. It's a fun time for us...and for the students too!

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