Lee and I work with Chi Alpha Campus Ministries at the University of Louisiana Lafayette.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thankful Thursday

For our support team members, you may not have a clue what is going on at the University of Louisiana Lafayette. You don't know what your financial sacrifices and prayers are doing.

So, here's a thank you to Lee that wouldn't have happened without you.

It's from Ben. He's a sophomore from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He's studying Computer Science...he's really good at math!
He's a part of the Men's Leadership at UL Chi Alpha, which means that he leads a small group Bible study in his dorm. This is what he had to say:

Lee, I appreciate you for being a clear example of Christ for me when He may not be so clear for me sometimes. Just by living your life you challenge me to dig even deeper into my faith and express it to others who may not know him. Thank you SO much for being a genuine friend in my life when I needed it the most, in my transition to college, Soli Deo Gloria!
-Ben N.

As you can see, your prayers and finances are helping us make a difference in the lives of the students of UL. Ben is changing the world. You are helping us help him do that. Thank you!

If you are interested in becoming a member of our support team, just let me know!!

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