The first Life Group Olympics were held on Saturday. Life Group* members were able to participate in events like: Book Balancing Race, Saltine Cracker Eating Contest, Three-Legged Race, Jeopardy Questioning, Blindfold Maze Race, Water Balloon Toss, and other events.
Each Life Gro

* I must thank Sherronda, Shelly, and Joy (along with several other students) for watching our kiddos while Lee & I participated in the events - so much fun!
I was with Miranda for the 3-legged race. We started practicing, and thought that our tie was a little loose. It was tightened for us, and it was a little too tight. So tight that I couldn't even finish the race. Everyone else was running around us, and I could barely walk. My ankle took a little beating, but the battl

Our team started strong with Kelsey and Hope winning the gold in the Book Balancing Race, and Ken and Lance placed in the Water Balloon Toss. We even won the team with the most spirit!!
Go Team Staff Infection!
It was a beautiful day to be outside. There were probably 60 or so

The students did a phenomenal job of organizing and making this event happen. It was such a fun day!
We are going to start practicing for Life Group Olympics 2012!
*Life Groups are small group Bible studies that meet on campus in the dorms. They are led by student leaders, who are amazing at what they do!
How Fun! Its a lot like our Wacky Olympics at school...this year we will be adding a Death Match of Dodge Ball and the winning team will play the teachers!! Oh, and I love yalls team name!