Thank you for all of your prayers!! We appreciate them so much!
It's been a long week already.
The prescription medicines for Bella are just too hard on her little body. They make her nauseated...she complains of her tummy hurting. She definitely seems back to herself after taking ibuprofen, so we are sticking with that.
But she's coughing. It could be sinus related because we've all had problems with that in our house lately. Then it could be a tickle in the back of her throat...
Either way, the cough is our biggest problem right now. Her throat hurts, so she doesn't want to cough. And she starts crying, which makes her have to cough more. She's had some sleepless nights due to that cough. Therefore we've had some sleepless nights, too.
And then it gets difficult taking care of Brennan. When she's up, she usually wakes him up...sometimes intentionally, which drives me insane. I can't imagine having to take care of more kids. I'm in awe of the women who have multiple children. It's wearing on me right now. Thankfully Brennan is a laid back kid...besides getting fussy when he's hungry or tired, he plays by himself well - unlike his sister. There are moments when he cries if I get up from one place or leave the room. It is then that I feel trapped...I glue myself to the couch when they are both playing so that I don't interrupt the universe.
Her biggest disappointments are that she can't go outside to play, and she can't have chips or popcorn - her two favorite foods. There's an occasional meltdown, but for the most part, we are doing well.
I also feel bad because we have a student living with us for the summer...and he works late at he should be sleeping late, but I know that we're waking Darrin up. He's ok, though. That's the joys of sharing a house with little kids.
She's just out of her routine. She's either been up until 6 am or waking up at 6 am. Neither are very fun. And right now, she just crashed at 10 am, and Brennan is wide awake and ready to go.

I know that we'll get through this. I know that she's still not herself yet...not 100%. It's my responsibility as her mom to get her there, which will take a lot of juice, popsicles, medicine, and love, and bandaids. Yes, that's right...bandaids are the cure all :)
Getting out of the house helps her too. So, we've gone to the cafe to visit her daddy and her friends there. It does seem to work wonders.
We may try going to our summer Thursday Night Live (TNL) which is the worship meeting for our Chi Alpha students. So, if you or a student you know will be attending UL in the fall, we'd love to have you at a TNL this summer. It's Thursdays in June and July at 8 pm at Cafe Chi Alpha. If you need more info, just let me know! I'd be happy to help! It's a great opportunity to meet other Chi Alpha students before you get on campus this fall! And getting out of the house on a Thursday night is just as good for you as it is for Bella! :)
And...if you are going to be at UL's orientation this summer - look for Lee and our other Chi Alpha staff members during the Student Organization Expo! Stop and say hi.
And for those of you who will be attending another state school, and you are curious about Chi Alpha, you can contact me and I'll get you whatever information I can!! You need to be connected!!!