Lee and I work with Chi Alpha Campus Ministries at the University of Louisiana Lafayette.

Friday, August 20, 2010

And So It Begins...

I'm exhausted. it's been a long week, and it's not even welcome week - that's next week. I hope that Lee gets the supernatural strength he's going to need next week. It's not just a physically tiring week, it's a spiritually draining week. There's so much going on.
Friday night was our first Chi Alpha International event for the semester. We had 16 international students from 16 different countries. It was awesome to meet new students as well as have our returning students come. There is a great sense of community within Chi Alpha International. I love it. I love that they are friends with each other and not just connected to one or two of us. It's really exciting. I'm looking forward to being a part of it this year. Bella has met so many people from so many countries. A lot of the international students are fascinated by her...I mean, she is a blond-headed, blue-eyed, happy center of attention. How could they not be? :o) She doesn't come to our dinner and discussions, but for these first few events, she's great at relaxing people. It's amazing how warm the chi alpha house becomes because people realize that it's a casual event because there is a kid there.
We've actually met some international students who are already Christians. That is a huge answer to prayer!! AND we are meeting true freshmen, which means that they will be here for about 4 years. This to is an answer to prayer! We know that God is helping us reach out to the 100 nations that are represented at UL. We get to continue to build relationships with these students, which is exciting! We get to have friends from around the world!! Bella and Brennan will grow up with a ton more cultural experiences than most kids because these students are their friends, too. What an exciting adventure our family gets to be on!!!

1 comment:

  1. It is very healthy to have Bella with you at these events. In America, one out of two of those students will be coming from a broken home. What a great vision to place before the eyes of these young men and women. A couple who love one another and love their little girl. I'm so proud of what you guys are doing and I am asking God to continue to give you the strength and wisdom to achieve all He has place in your heart!
