Lee and I work with Chi Alpha Campus Ministries at the University of Louisiana Lafayette.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


One of Bella's new words is "yucky..." She says it when she tastes something she doesn't like - but in reality, if she didn't think she'd like it she wouldn't even try it in the first place. She would go straight to gagging. She's become a picky eater. I attribute that to my dad. He's a picky eater. :o)

Well, yucky is how we all feel right now. Lee and Bella came home from YMI with some kind of cold. I was able to take care of them because I wasn't sick. Well, this little sickness has stuck around our house, and now I have it! yuck! And, all 3 of us are not feeling well now. It's hard to take care of others when you don't feel well yourself. When I was in my first trimester of this pregnancy, I was really sick for 10-12 hours a day. It was awful! Poor Bella! She would just lay on the couch with me and watch Sesame Street for half the day, and then play with her toys in front of me on the couch. It was such a rough time. I don't feel quite that bad right now, but I'm starting to feel like there's not much else I want to do...there are moments when it seems like my head is too heavy to hold up on my own and it feels like a cat is scratching its way down my throat! Oh the joys of a summer cold! I know, I know...lots of water and juice...

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