So, there have been a few times in my life where crazy things happen that I don't understand until a little while later. When I was looking for my first teaching job, I put my parents' phone number on all of my applications since my cell phone number was a Dallas number - it just made sense to me that way. So, the week/weekend before school started, my parents' phone line went down. It was just a busy signal all of the time. My dad was sooo frustrated. We had another phone line in the house, and it worked fine - but the number I had given everyone was not working.
That Monday, I used the other line to call my high school principal to ask him if he knew of any jobs. He told me that there was a special ed. opening in Boothville and to tell the personnel director that he recommended me. So, I called her, and I started my spill of "My name is Brianne Latham. I have a degree in Secondary Education with a specialization in English..." She said to stop right there and to call this number and tell Brian Biggs to hire me right now. I knew that Brian worked at the middle school. He was a friend of my sisters and had been a teacher when I was in high school. So, I called him. He asked if I could come in right then. When I got there, the assistant principal, Becky Ballay, walked in and dumped a box of books in my lap. I didn't even know what I was going to be teaching.
I found out from them that the night before, Brian had called their 8th grade English teacher who had a baby that summer, and there were some complications. Buras Middle School is at the end of the world, so a lot of people commute, and this teacher felt like she needed to be closer to home with her baby. So, she told them the week that school started that she wasn't coming back. I called the week school started looking for the same job.
To be honest, I cried for 3 days straight. I wasn't looking forward to working there. If I only knew how much I would fall in love with that the administration would love and respect me and my ideas and creativity. It was a wonderful place to begin my career.
The day after I got the books dumped in my lap was new teacher orientation. And I was in my classroom with students by the end of the week. God knew what I needed before I did.
My parents phone did start working. A lady from a different parish called while I was at orientation, and she told my mom that she had been trying to call all week. To be honest, I would have taken that job just to get out of Buras, but it wouldn't have been where I was supposed to be.
The same kind of thing happened this week. We were trying to make a decision about insurance and Bella...and we called to make changes. The guy was really embarrassed as he talked to Lee because his computer kept messing up, and he said that he was going to make a note of it and call us back. He never called us back, and we didn't really think about it again until I started doubting our decision. Lee called back, and because of the glitches the changes hadn't been made, and it won't affect anything. I cried so much before Lee made the second call. It would have been easier if I would have just trusted God with the situation in the first place. There is such peace when I trust God. "Trust in the Lord with all of your
heart, and don't lean on your own understanding." It doesn't make sense to me...but it doesn't have to. I don't have to even be frustrated when things don't go the way I think they should because if I'm trusting God, they are going the way He wants them to.
Lee and I are good about balancing each other out. When I am having a very doubtful time, he is able to encourage me to trust God. The same goes when it's his turn to doubt God. That's what we say..."It's my turn now..." Yesterday was Lee's turn...and with his encouragement, it's my turn too.